"Do not try to change who you are, just open the door and invite others to join you."
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Connecting Through Difference is A lot Like Doing Your Laundry
Sunday, October 10, 2010
I’m Alive - Da*%!$-it!
First it scares the crap out of you. Then you have a rushing sense of deep and overflowing gratitude. I’m alive!
Funny how I never truly appreciated having to struggle with nature until now. Since living in Munich, where there seem to be very few struggles with nature (I won’t count the infrequent hailstorms or fruit flies) - I've been missing something.
At first it was a kind of lull - then complacency. Things are just dull.
There is no physical reminder to dislodge old (bad) habits, hard old shells that cover my brain and affect how I think. Nothing to wipe away ruts that I get stuck in. Nothing that forces me to feel alive!Sad to think I have to be forced to do that. It is too easy to get stuck in the Mundane and Mediocre.
The other thing that natural disasters seem to do is bring people together. I remember a forest fire behind our house two years ago. There were helicopters dumping water from the nearby pond, and neighbors all around came out to look.
Bikers stopped to look and I got to meet neighbors that I had been living next to for more than a year – and had never seen before. There was concern for the folks living next to the forest and a few of us helped them spray their roof and move furniture. Luckily it came to nothing, and I have not seen some of those people since.
For a moment there was a feeling of caring, coming together, connection. People felt necessary, lucky.
Perhaps that is the biggest reminder – not to take things for granted. And as much as I dislike hearing about the struggles or those who survive a natural disaster, I do envy their wake-up call.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Jumping Fences
I was recently walking in the rain through a park with a friend. I forget what we were talking about, probably just unloading, and she said something that stuck with me.
‘I hate it when others chose my boundaries.’
I asked her what she meant and she explained that she did not like it when her husband, or anyone else, told her what the standard shoulds and shouldn’ts are and how they Must Be Maintained.
(Pedro Rama)
We agreed that when we get to choose which boundaries we maintain there is a greater sense of focus and power. When society decides, based on tradition or obligation, our energy gets sapped and our attitude heads south too.
We get angry, resentful, frustrated. Am I hitting anyone’s “YES!” button?
Surprisingly enough, a lot of this rule following (and I am not talking about things set up to keep us safe, like stopping at red, or not stealing), is self-imposed.
We often set up fences based on an assumption that THAT is what we are supposed to be doing. I am of working age, I have my degree in marketing, that is what I am supposed to do the rest of my life. Or, I am the eldest, it is my job to be taking care of my aging parents. Or, I am the mom and wife, I should be getting all the laundry done and feeding the dog because no one else will do it if I don’t.
But you see, there is always a choice. There is always a way to redefine something.The marketing degree, for example. So what if you wake up one day and realize you did it because that’s what made your parents happy? Ask yourself what makes you happy. Is it the people part, the research part, or the creative problem solving part? Those can be found in LOTS of other careers.
And if you are the eldest, all that means is you should continue to have the power and intelligence to convince younger siblings to contribute to your parents’ care. Either with money, or time, or other ideas.
Ultimately, if you are a working mother and have a partner or children over 6 years of age, you have plenty of helpers. Feeding the dog is a shared responsibility and getting the laundry done can be a community effort. (Clean underwear is a powerful motivator.)Any of this ring a bell? Do you have any boundaries that make you balk? Fences that need to be jumped over? Take a good look, I bet you’ll discover some that no longer serve a purpose, and need to be readjusted.
Realizing you have choices often does that.Monday, August 30, 2010
Jump - First Photo!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Jump for Joy!
- It will get your blood flowing and make your cheeks pink which will make you look healthy.
- It will warm up cold hands and feet.
- It will make you laugh which increases the secretion of the hormone endorphins, which will help you stay healthy.
- Because we can.
- Because it's fun.
- Because it's not sitting like a lump in a chair.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Leave a Trail
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Saying Good-bye, Saying Hello-Oh!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Contrast - THAT'S What I'm Talkin' 'Bout
It is almost 7 minutes of wackiness. It made me laugh out loud. Something I don't do nearly enough.
But when I was done I had THAT moment. Yeah, the one I mentioned at the beginning of this post. He was talking about the importance of having a dark side, a challenge, an issue... in one's life.
He confirmed that it is a gift. Isn't that what I have been writing about?!
My favorite quote is, 'The only people on the planet who do not have problems are dead.' Yup, that about sums it up.
I would like to support and point to Andy's good work, because when you listen closely, the world is trying to tell you something.
We don't have problems - we have opportunities to learn, to grow, to discover new parts of ourselves.
So, if you'll excuse me, I have some research to do. I am going to go figure out how to mine my problems... there's sure to be some very gems in there!
Friday, June 4, 2010
When Doing Nothing IS Doing Something
"We collect data, things, people, ideas, profound experiences, never penetrating any of them ... But there are other times. There are times when we stop. We sit still. We lose ourselves in a pile of leaves or its memory. We listen and breezes from a whole other world begin to whisper."
- James Carroll
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
When Something is More Than You Realize
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Seek Out Intersections
I recently received an email from a friend and perhaps one of my first "clients" (although I put the quotes around the word because she was actually a guinea pig for my own personal explorations).
I started a new job last Thursday. My first real one in 3 years. I'm back in the energy industry, but in a very different place. It's a small company, with big ambitions, and big expectations (of me). I'm scared and inspired and excited... and having so much fun, Your comments about courage sum up how I feel about the future. Thank you....
Friday, April 16, 2010
Courage - It's WHO You Are
- Write, non-stop, for 3 minutes on the question 'Who Am I'? Go back and read what you wrote. Circle words that jump out at you.
- Then, write for another 3 minutes on the SAME question, but do not use any of the same words as you used in the first attempt. Repeat looking forward words.
- One more time, but only for 2 minutes, write - you guessed it - about 'Who am I?' really.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Finding Your Shadow - Shining Your Light
I know it is a funny sounding title, but the more I thought about this concept, the more it made sense. I just finished listening to a video cast from Brian Johnson, creator of Philosopher's Notes, and it made me think about my own personal "dark side".
Thursday, March 18, 2010
What is the benefit of Intolerance?
- Intolerance helps me to keep my boundaries. If I do not tolerate that people cross over them, they will learn that and not try to take advantage of me.
- If I am intolerant of people who tell racist jokes, then I will be more likely to speak out against it, or at least have the courage to tell them so.
- Intolerance brings out a kind of solidness and boldness in me that otherwise I do not allow myself to have.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
DAY 37: Day One of the Next Best Half
Today's the day. My twin sister's 40th birthday. And yes, mine too.
I am ready to take the plunge to 4 - 0.
But there is one more challenge. One more action to take: Spend 10 minutes writing the obituary you want, so you are not just a number or just a name, but a story. Write from three perspectives: As you would like your family to write it, your closest friends, and people in your community or at work.
What do you want each of those groups to say about you? What laughs would they recall? Not the big things, but the little things - the way you smiled, or the time you drove across town to deliver hot soup?
I won't share mine with you. I don't have time. I am going out there and living it.
As should you.
Monday, February 15, 2010
DAY 36: Connected At the Belly Button
When I was younger it was simultaneously agrivating and comforting. I never felt alone, although I did sometimes feel left out. I can't imagine celebrating my birthday without sharing my cake - even mentally - with her. But I also get to share my hopes and dreams with her too.
However, even with a twin, who sometimes appeared to read my mind (we are a mean dream team when it comes to Pictionary), there were miscommunications. Misunderstandings. Fights. Patti writes, "There's a gap sometimes between what I think I'm indicating to the world and what is really being put out there by me." I see it happen between people of different cultures, between husbands and wives, co-workers.
Action: Write for three minutes on the question - Who was I when I was thirteen? Describe yourself in great detail. Now write for another 3 minutes on answering - Where did that kid go? What turns have I taken away from her (or him)?
For another 2 minutes write about the part that remains or what part you would like to reclaim. For the last 2 minutes write about the things you need to do in order to get back to that earlier part of yourself that you want to reclaim.
This was great, because I vividly remember that was when I was horse crazy. I spent 2 weeks in a tiny Texas town at a 4-H horse camp, running barrels with a Tennese Walker. He didn't corner well, but he kicked butt when we did the show part. (Tell me one horse that stands prettier than a Tennese Walker!)
I can proudly say that I have left the really shy and rather insecure parts of my 13 self behind and I have kept the adventurous and curious part. The part that likes to jump in the lake.
The Challenge: For the next 37 days, devote at least 10 minutes a day to creating your own vision, whether for wellness or work or marriage. Make it specific, make it compelling, make it your own. Then tell others about it so they can support you.
Well, one more day to go in my personal vision quest. But it's certainly not the end - it's the beginning.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
DAY 35: Savor Your Food
I moved from Oregon three years ago this summer, a place that prided itself in being part of the local slow food movement. Eat food in season, grow in places near your front door, by small farmers. Then I moved to a big city, but a part of it where I could ride my bike to pick my own raspberries, or cut the salad from the ground. Eggs are delivered to my door every other Monday. There are no lables on this food because they aren't packaged.
But due to lack of knoweldge, fear, whatever the reason - I bought more packaged food than ever. And I developed migraines. Once I sat myself down and realized it wasn't the wind blowing from the mountains, but the processed liver wurst, tee wurst, and other spreadable meats I'd been eating that gave me the massive headaches - I stopped. I stopped eating them. And the headaches stopped.
Now that I am more settled, I realize that there are things we sometimes cut corners on that actually make life more difficult in the long run. Food, and eating in a more holistic manner, a more simple connected - aware - manner is something that we often give up in our race with trying to do more and more.
Remember, slow down, do one. thing. at. a. time. And that includes food.
Action: Spend 10 minutes cleaning out your pantry today. Consider yourself a chef, an kitchen artist. Make something for dinner tonight that you've never made before. Create art on your plate.
Although I am not at home, and I can't cook while visiting our friends, I am enjoying every cheese, cake, bread, or home made jam put in front of me. My hosts can proudly tell me where each item comes from. Who made it or what region of the country it was produced. Most of it is just around the corner.
Challenge: Either at home or a restaurant, eat all your meals as if you have to describe them to others. What colors and textures surround you? Keep a simple list of everything you eat for the next 37 days. And write a mental review of one meal a day to practice slowing down and paying attention.
Give up Pop-tarts. Taste what is in your mouth. Thank the chef.