They aren't found on your face - or any where else on your body.
They are the paths that cross a wide lawn or snake behind a large building. They are the paths that lead us to where we want to go without following the prescribed concrete path.
They are created by a need - a desire - to get somewhere faster, which often means not following the path laid out for you.
(Photo by Claire Gaillard)
Paths in Life
Have you ever looked up from your life and thought (not necessarily for the better) "What am I doing here?!"
Senario 1: You went to school, got degrees, built a life - and then - you wake up.
Senario 2: You flounder, wander, float, do a little of this and a little of that...and you end up - really - nowhere.
Actually, I imagine there are many senarios, many different paths, to the ultimate question. W.A.I.D.H. Often replaced or followed by, "What was I thinking?!"
In my experience as a coach, people end up coming to me when they realize that they don't want to walk on the sidewalk anymore. They are looking longingly at those little jagged paths that are behind the benches, among the trees, venturing into wide open spaces...
(See the path on the faaaar left of this photo? Desire line!)
It takes a lot of courage to step off the safe path, to not follow the prescription for happiness and success. Of course, this is readily described in hundreds of 'self-help' books in a variety of languages.
But no (good) coach will give you a prescription to happiness, because the real path is the one you discover on your own.
But what if - what if - we stop a moment and really look at where we want to go. Create our own idea of what success and happiness is by looking at our own passions and truths.
It can be hard not to just follow along all the easy trails laid out for us. Look, they're clean, safe, direct (sort of), orderly, sure. If we follow these paths they will get us to a place for certain.
But what about the journey? New discoveries? New Adventures? Curiosity?
We don't all need to rush out and find a new route to the north pole, or discover a new way to make toast. But what if we stepped off the path every now and then? What would we find?
A mud puddle? A dead end? A dark hole? It's possible.
An insight? An epiphany? A brilliant idea? It's possible.
That's just it - it's all possible!
But only if you step off the prescribed path every now and then. Get your heart rate up, heighten your senses.
In fact, why don't we leave trails for others to follow?!
Go ahead, step off the path. I dare you.
You might be surprised that someone is standing right next to you.