Friday, January 8, 2010

The 37 Day Challenge: Creating a Mindful and Intentional Life

On Monday, January 11th, it will be exactly 37 days until my 40th birthday. I'm actually looking forward to reaching this milestone. I know a lot of people tend to ignore this important date, some say it is "half-way there" (there = end of life) birthday, but I like to look at it as an occassion to celebrate the fact that I have reached adulthood.

I know what I want to be when I grow up. Me.

And the best way I know how to celebrate is by doing something significant, creative, memorable and impacting. That's why I have decided to do a 37 day challenge to live a more mindful and intentional life.

A friend and fellow creative soul, Patti Digh, has written "life is a verb: 37 days to wake up, be mindful and live intentionally". I bought it and kept it in my office as a point of interest and reference during my workshops and coaching sessions. But I never actually read it. And I realize that happens a lot in life. We pick up something and have good intentions, but don't follow through.

So, my goal is to start practicing NOW for how I want to live the second half of my life.

In Patti's book, she gives daily challenges to be creative and open to life and what it throws at you. Each day I will document the challenge and it's results. I invite you (I encourage you!) to join me in this experiment. Feel free to leave comments and share your own personal results.

A journey shared is so much more fun.

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