Friday, January 29, 2010

DAY 17: Break Your Own Rules

This was such a great practice for today. In this chapter, Patti focused on getting people to see which rules they hold to even though they don't make sense. What happens if you break them? Have dessert first, then salad. Sit in a different seat at the dinner table. What happens?

The only way to discover imbedded patterns that don't actually help us in life, we have to do things differently. Then we begin to see things differently.

The action: Write for 5 minutes and list all the sayings you've grown up with. List as many as you can come up with. Don't censor yourself - write them all down. Go through and circle ones you actually live by (might be a deeply held value) and underline the ones that aren't necessary or real.

The result: I could only come up with 16 or so sayings and many of them were gender based or health related. I think I have broken all of them at least once, except buying a dented can.

The challenge: For the next 37 days use your list to notice and then break your rules. Start by taking a new route to work. Have tea instead of coffee for breakfast. If you always take the same seat in church or school (or sit next to the same person), chose a different seat.

How does it make you feel? Make note of how you feel. Stop and question the rule, yours or others, to understand the deeply rooted value. Or is it borne of habit?

Insight: This I find fascinating. We just started switching our places at the dinner table. It has a great affect on our family dynamics. We don't seem so stuck in a position or attitude and the conversation or insights we share seem more conscious.

Can you guess why I chose the jellyfish picture??

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